Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gala in Galera

First time in Puerto Galera. And so far the only time. I was with Alot and her high school buddies Tey and BB. 

The girls were awesome! I love 'em! But I am not much fan of the place.

March 2011.
Sunset Beach
 We went there even after a warning. A huge tsunami just hit Japan, but the plan was so long been made, and we were adamant on postponing it. So there we were.

Our First Gas plants off the coast of Batangas. San Lorenzo and Sta Rita
 We love the beach this big! >======:D==========<
How sexy Teytey! :) Ok sige sasama ko na kayo BB and Alot! :))
Abby. Wait. And Alot's knees.

The nights were endless parties.
Mindoro Sling

Girls just wanna have fun!
 I am not much fan of drag queens. And their humor, I can live without. But the time spent with these girls were superbly worthwhile. :)

Also, I was not a fan of the vendors, be it of massage, or sunshades, or food, who, every next second, tries to  sell their stuff to us. So maybe I can live without Puerto Galera for the next coupla years.

But the white sand, I will always fall in love with.

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