Monday, October 27, 2014

Japan: Sky Diving at Fujioka [Day 9]

My stomach ached from anticipation. I want to gag from sheer fright.

October 3 was a Saturday. The big day. The day we were about to jump off an air craft. The finale of my 10-day Japan visit.

Some time during our foray to Tokyo Disney Sea a day prior, I wanted to get the trip over and done with. So that I can finally slash off a bucket list item. And then I remembered to stay at the present and enjoy the Disney rides offered. Stay in the present. Focus. Tomorrow can wait. I cannot be anxious what with... Oh, there's Mickey! Oh, there's Woody! And more Disney characters! Plus it was hot!

And wait it did. I faintly recall how Chabs, inside a van with a throng of people beside her, passed by our accommodation and I waved frantically to get her attention. Good thing Eric saw me. Haha. Kino-san drove us to Fujioka. He is 68 years old, and very active for his age! I'm simply amazed. And we stopped at some highway joint for breakfast. But I could not eat. I bought a sandwich and thought, how could I finish this? My stomach seemed too full already. Of butterflies. And sense of dread. Kidding!

Back on our way and toward Fujioka, we passed by a cemetery. And our comrades were galloping in glee joking that our landing point would be that area. But Kino-san insisted that it was for Japanese only. We were not allowed. We continued to trudge on laughing.

We finally arrived at the Fujioka Sky Dive. But it was not the drop zone. Good thing Kino-san was able to talk to an old, brisk lady and he told her our predicament. We had to call the mobile number (090-8492-1250) of the skydiving club. And we were told to go to a parking lot where someone will fetch us. Another good thing is that we just had to input in the car's navigation system the location and voila! GPS showed us the way.

As Chabs told us, there were about 52 people signed up for the day. When we filled up the forms, we had to ask ourselves if we wanted to have photos and videos. We were still contemplating and the rest of the group already submitted their waiver forms and paid in cash.

For females, the tandem jump is JPY 26,000. For males, it's JPY 27,000.
Hand video = JPY 5,500 (around that amount)
Videos only = JPY 11,500 
Photos only = JPY 11,500
Photos and videos = JPY 14,500

Our long decision making process made us the last to submit our forms and payment. Thus, we had to wait for around 3-4 hours for our turn. The additional photo/video was a long contemplating process since we were out of cash. Good thing Eric had some spare cash, we were able to pay for both I and Reinzy's photographers.

Considering that I won't be doing this again, it was well worth it. Enjoy the 40-sec free fall videos, folks.

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