This November 2012, I have been to three countries - four, if you count Philippines. (Technically, I'll be on my third country tomorrow, but, well nevermind) And was in one out of town trip.
South Korea, Bangkok, Calapan, and Singapore. That's the list. And I love the look of it. I was in South Korea for ten amazing days, Bangkok for just a weekend, Calapan for just a day, and Singapore for the long weekend. And I have different reasons for each trip. First one was for pleasure (along with culture immersion), the second was for business (we need to fill up our merchandise at STOiC for the holidays), the third was to bid farewell to a dear friend's papa, and the last one, to share a good friend's last days as a single lady. I love each trip because on each of them, I get the feeling of freedom. That the world is my playground. And that I'm a little kid, eagerly awaiting for some new amazing things to experience and keep me awestruck, new sights to behold, new friends and kinship to make, and new history to write. It's an unequivocally exhilarating pastime.
Traveling has also been one of best moving on therapy. I take pleasure drowning in my thoughts during long hours on the road. To pep talk myself out of discomfiting situations. To tell me, I am worth it. I am worth my mother's life. I am worth it.
Sometimes, when things get rough, delusions of how I can never be enough engulf my consciousness. That, I will never make it through. That I am not strong enough for this. The fear of not being enough is too daunting. I guess I could never explicitly say what's been boggling me for quite a while. "From here, I cannot explain, from there, you cannot understand."
Try as I might, I have difficulty relating to people I have strong "in-like" with. I am clouded with thoughts of, Nah, he will never like me with the same intensity as I like him. I guess I am just a strong believer of chivalry. That if there was no hint of anything romantic, it's just not it. And I'd rather be friends. Good friends.
(end of on-the-road musings)
Job said, When He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.
This has been a saving grace. To know that when God led you to it, He will pull you through it. And not just in mediocrity. He plans to pull us through shimmering in gold! To be extraordinary in times of adversities. To end as winners, not whiners.
The healing, for me, is something I will always treasure. It's more than any money I can save up in the bank. I am whole. I am me. I am free.
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