Thursday, February 2, 2012

I would give up forever to....

be washed out again!

Today is Feb 2 2012. One year and three hundred fifty two days ago.. Or let's simplify that. Seven hundred sixteen days ago. To the hour. Ha, i kid. :) Let's move on.
Feb 14, 2010. We tried our hands at White Water Rafting. We were in CDO for a classmate's wedding. So, since we don't often travel to CDO, we giddily signed up with Red Rafts for a day of basking under the Cagayan de Oro sun, paddling with the tides, humming to ourselves.

With Mike

Start of 21 Rapids
 High Five!!!

Easy breezy
 Let's try this standing up.

Shower Break
  Ang bilog ko lang.

We badly wanted to capsize. Here's our only successful attempt at it.

 Let's zoom that in..
Paddle folks!

It was funny that during the briefing, we were told to remember 3 things when we capsize.
1. Float. Keep your feet up.
2. Let go of the paddle.
3. Don't hold on to rocks.

And Jenny, being the worrywart that she is, heeded to instructions. Only, she did everything not in the instructions. Hee. The results? Scrapes and bruises, but memories are - kapooshes!

Now I wonder where pictures of my jumpshots are...


Dinner afterwards with the then newlyweds.

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