Friday, February 13, 2009

i'm being tried

And we are in the adjudication process now. Will I be indicted? Or acquitted?

Is there any justice?

For the most part, I admit. I am guilty. Guilty of being a laggard. Of being a constant net surfer. Of not being efficiently productive. Yes, I am all that. And where is the growth?

I think I need to have a push. A certain drive to make me more diligent. Mediocrity sets in the bones of those who fail to realize that they have yet to achieve The Dream. The Ultimate Dream. I'm talking chemirical. Long term goals. How does one go about achieving it?

Here I am. Back in the cube after almost x hours of lunch. Leniency leads to untimely death of the Visions. The raging visions! And I'm waiting for the clock to strike five! Five just hits the spot right. Five means you have to walk back home, cook your dinner, and have tons of laughs with people you are happy to be in company with. See how I love my housemates? =)

As the day ends, weariness sets in and you go to sleep for another 6 hours or so. Before you even know it, sunrise has come to regain your consciousness. I am not much fond of sunrises. Especially now when it means dragging my ass off to work. Darn the day I graduated! Haha just kidding. Everything now is just so... so... repetitive!

Now, 'tis the end of the trial. What's the verdict? Guilty. I'm guilty of crushing my aspirations. Where is the fun in this? I just hope I can piece them back together.