Tuesday, May 28, 2013

EDSA Peace Mural

I was invited by Chabs to volunteer for the
Project EDSA: Journey of Peace in EDSA

It's supposed to bid for the longest peace mural Guinness Record.
As what happens most of the time, I said yes. And invited Jenny along, my architect best friend, to the event. She was called several days after, and was asked to be the team leader. Which, much to her chagrin, was quite a tall order. She googled, "How to choose the best color for a mural" and "Peace mural" prior to the event. And I found that amusing I had to tease her. Haha!

So there we were, at 6AM on May 26, a Sunday. Still stifling some snores, we trudged on to Camp Aguinaldo. It was a bit disappointing that we had to wait for around 3 hours (they have a program which we cannot see from our side) before we could get to our walls.

And finally, we marched on to un-stenciled walls. They said they did not finish sketching because it rained the previous day. They then gave a go-ahead for us to transfer to another wall. Yay.

Even if it was scorching hot, we had a grand time painting, or at the very least, doing damage control. A person who had a white paint had so much time on his hand, he was painting white all over! I think he was trying to make some shading, which was but a futile effort considering he does not have other colors on his hand.