I am every vulnerability that the thesaurus has to offer me and in a certain light it’s impossible for me not to pull you towards me with the intent of kissing the very life out of you.
-excerpt from “I Don’t Want To Be Loved. I Just Want To Be Untangled,” Shinji Moon
I've blogged and re-blogged in my Tumblr account several of Shinji Moon's poetry. Google is of little help this time. I cannot, for the life of me, fathom why I could not find a picture, or an article, or a biography dedicated to Shinji. I read several blogs saying s/he's an 18 year old girl living in New York City, with his/her dad. I beg to disagree. The poet's words are too precarious for a little girl. I am thinking perhaps he is a man. Mid-thirties. Struggling writer. A cigarette in cheek. Silhouetted all in the alley. Now that sounds sinister. teehee. Just the same, I guess I am entitled to my silly imaginings. I love his poem, "I Don’t Want To Be Loved. I Just Want To Be Untangled."
But here's a poem which melts me.
“ When I look at you laying there across the way from me behind the curtains of a friday afternoon, I wonder how it is that you, you are just a handful of billions of cells. Something that I can pick apart and put back together. You, a human with one heart and two hands and ten fingers that I’ve fallen in love with all at separate times.
Only that. A handful of cells.
are a textbook of our chemistry.
Let me put your laugh in a petri dish so that I can see if what we have has a heartbeat, if the cells between us dance like we did that evening when you slid your arm around the small of my waist and kissed me with your eyes closed.
Let me see if there’s a definition in the way you love me without loving me with words.”