Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Biggest Loser

My roommate and I have been following the series for quite a number of weeks now. We are that late in watching, that every day, someone gets eliminated. Haha! It is encouraging once you see the hard-earned outcome. Some even weigh less than what they lost! In the last season we've watched, the winner's current weight was 48% of his original weight. What the? It's almost like losing another you!

Oh well. It just reminded me of that scene in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

Ben: You wanted to lose a guy in 10 days, congratulations you did it. You just lost him.
Andie: No I didn't Ben.. Cause you can't lose something you never had!

Losing Something I Never Had. Now that's another story entirely. But just the same, I've wanted to write some about that.


Because even if it wasn't yours to begin with, if you lost it... It will hurt.

Being attached is one thing. Getting unattached. That's another thing. One is easier than the other. And one may leave you crying. That's sad. But in the bigger scope of things, you must learn to detach in order to reattach. Realign. Realize.

I’ve learned from my immersion in Sta. Rita and San Lorenzo Central Control Room the art of ATT. Since the process is in combined cycle, and we have the gas turbine and the steam turbine to drive the generator all in one line, it is unlikely that, at every event, everything will just go smoothly. Sometimes, one turbine would have a higher frequency than the other, making the whole thing unstable and wobbly. In order to prevent massive destruction of the equipment, you have to disengage the clutch then reengage it at a more suitable angle.

So that’s where I’m at right now. Disengaging. Losing something to pick up something far more worthy.

These times, I can just see myself -- The Biggest Loser.